Return prices

Deliver the shipment to our collection point and we will return your purchase to the seller.

Latvia flag arrow flag Germany
Latvia flag arrow flag Poland
Latvia flag arrow flag Lithuania
Weight of parcel up to, kg Shipping price to the warehouse, Eur Return from warehouse to thе seller (without a free return sticker)
1 7 6
5 10 11
10 14 16
20 27 26.5
30 38 38.5
40 52 48.5
50 66 63.5

IMPORTANT: We do NOT make returns to Italy, Spain, England, France and the Netherlands.

*Prices in the price table for business customers are shown without VAT

  • You will be able to use free returns provided by sellers from Germany, Poland or Lithuania warehouses. If the seller has not provided a free return, it will be shipped at the rates specified by the German, Polish or Lithuanian Shipping Services;
  • If return is not free, the following information must be provided on the consignment: 
    Recipient (name or company name) 
    Street and house number (if there is an apartment) 
    Postal code 
    Phone number (recipient)
  • The maximum dimensions of a paid return shipment are 60x40x40. If the measurements are larger, it is necessary to contact our customer service regarding the cost of returning the parcels.
  • 30 kg is the maximum weight of a returned parcel. Otherwise, please contact customer service.
  • There are no restrictions on measurements for free returns.
  • The goods being returned can be transferred to goods pick-up point in Riga or by courier to PERCEU SIA, Vestienas str. 20, Riga, LV-1035;
  • We also offer an option to return the goods using Omniva services.
  • The total length of the sides shall be not more than 180 cm, and if one side is longer than 120 cm the weight coefficient 1,3 shall be applied. For example: if a parcel measures 100x100x10 and weighs 30 kg -> it will be charged as a 39 kg parcel.
  • Returned goods are sent only after payment for the return!
  • If you want the goods returned to Germany to leave the same week, they must be delivered to the collection point in Riga by Wednesday. Shipments for return to Lithuania and Poland are sent every working day.
  • Returned goods leave the Latvian distribution center for Germany on Saturdays and arrive in Germany on Thursdays. Returned goods leave the Latvian distribution center for Lithuania/Poland every working day and arrive in Lithuania/Poland the next working day.